Informe del ROSGAN

Feedlots: la suba del gordo mejora la relación insumo-producto para el engorde

A pesar de la baja estacional de los encierres, la cantidad de animales en stock reportados por los feedlots al 1ro de febrero sigue siendo elevada. Según datos del SENASA, el numero a nivel país asciende a 1,69 millones de cabezas, esto es un 5% más que lo encerrado en febrero del año pasado y 6,5% más respeto de febrero de 2023.

$44.500 es el margen bruto resultante del engorde en febrero.

ARGENTINA/FEEDLOTS - Cows are seen inside a cattle pen at a feedlot in Santa Lucia, some 200 km (125 miles) northeast of Buenos Aires, in this picture taken on November 13, 2008. The image of cows grazing freely on the vast Pampas grasslands has long fostered Argentina's status as home to some of the world's best beef. Now that view across the Pampas is changing. Breaking with the tradition of grass-fed cattle that was once a source of pride for Argentine ranchers, many today are herding their cows into feedlots, looking to increase production efficiency and free up land for more profitable grains farming.  Picture taken on November 13, 2008.  To match feature ARGENTINA/FEEDLOTS  REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci (ARGENTINA) santa lucia buenos aires  ganaderia argentina campos vaca pastoreo cambios forma alimentacion adaptacion feedlotsLa escases de novillos pesados podría incentivar un engorde más largo. Credito: REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci
ARGENTINA/FEEDLOTS - Cows are seen inside a cattle pen at a feedlot in Santa Lucia, some 200 km (125 miles) northeast of Buenos Aires, in this picture taken on November 13, 2008. The image of cows grazing freely on the vast Pampas grasslands has long fostered Argentina's status as home to some of the world's best beef. Now that view across the Pampas is changing. Breaking with the tradition of grass-fed cattle that was once a source of pride for Argentine ranchers, many today are herding their cows into feedlots, looking to increase production efficiency and free up land for more profitable grains farming.  Picture taken on November 13, 2008.  To match feature ARGENTINA/FEEDLOTS   REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci (ARGENTINA) santa lucia buenos aires  ganaderia argentina campos vaca pastoreo cambios forma alimentacion adaptacion feedlotsLa escases de novillos pesados podría incentivar un engorde más largo. Credito: REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci
Cows feed inside a cattle pen at a feedlot in Magdalena, south of Buenos Aires January 14, 2016. Argentina could as much as double its beef shipments in the next two years, rebuilding its presence in the global marketplace, after the new center-right government scrapped export taxes and quotas on the red meat, meat industry groups said. Exports of world-famous Argentine steaks tumbled in past years, largely due to the trade controls imposed by the former left-leaning government which designed to keep local butchers well supplied and surpress prices. Picture taken January 14, 2016. REUTERS/Enrique Marcarian buenos aires magdalena  ganado vacuno en feedlot en estancia en magdalena ganado vacuno vacasLa relación actual de precios entre el ternero y el gordo, favorece el engorde a corral. Foto Archivo

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