La salud del Papa

Francisco sigue estable y continúa con su recuperación

El Santo Pontífice participó de los Ejercicios Espirituales por videoconferencia, recibió la Eucaristía y mantuvo su rutina de tratamiento. Los médicos confirmaron mejoras, pero su estado sigue siendo complejo.

El Papa mejora a un mes de su internación. Foto: REUTERS

FILE PHOTO: Pope Francis records a video message to be broadcasted during the inauguration of the "Faith Pavilion" during COP28 in Dubai, at Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican in this handout image released on December 3, 2023.  Vatican Media/­Handout via REUTERS    ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY./File PhotoSiguió en videoconferencia los Ejercicios Espirituales. Foto: REUTERS
ELLITORAL_211200 |  Franco Origlia ROME, ITALY - APRIL 18:  Pope Francis leads the Way of The Cross at the Colosseum on April 18, 2014 in Rome, Italy. The Way of the Cross is a centuries-old and much beloved devotion, that began as a sort of spiritual pilgrimage to the places and scenes and events of ChristÕs passion for those who could not make the pilgrimage to the Holy Land in person, as well as for those who had made it and wished to relive their experience, and for those who were preparing for the journey.  (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) ORG XMIT: 485297283Hace 67 años que Francisco está abocado a la religión. Foto: Getty
A group of pilgrims from Moscow prays during a rosary near the statue of late Pope John Paul II outside Gemelli Hospital, where Pope Francis is admitted for treatment, in Rome, Italy, March 11, 2025. REUTERS/Yara NardiSiguen las oraciones afuera del Gemelli. Foto: REUTERS

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